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    Supplier Excellence Award: Texas Instruments honors DB Schenker’s performance in semiconductor logistics

    Demonstration of exceptional commitment to innovation, collaboration • Outstanding performance in cost, environmental and social responsibility • Assurance of supply and quality

    DB Schenker receives the 2023 Supplier Excellence Award from Texas Instruments for its semiconductor logistics services. The award celebrates suppliers who excel in various areas: environmental and social responsibility, technological innovation, responsiveness, assurance of supply, and quality. Texas Instruments is a global semiconductor company that develops, manufactures, and distributes analog and embedded processing chips.

    Jeff Taylor, Global Account Manager, VM Semicon/Cloud, DB Schenker: “We are greatly honored to receive this distinguished award. It was only possible through a truly global team of dedicated DB Schenker employees working to provide the best possible service at an extremely competitive price.”

    Rob Simpson, VP Worldwide Procurement and Logistics, Texas Instruments: “DB Schenker has demonstrated exceptional commitment to innovation, collaboration, as well as outstanding performance in cost, environmental and social responsibility, responsiveness, assurance of supply, and quality.”

    The semiconductors supply chain is complex and based on the sensitivity of their components and time sensitive requirements. The recognition of DB Schenker stems from its role in effectively providing these services for Texas Instruments. Texas Instruments relies on its extensive supplier and vendor network to provide the materials, equipment and services needed to manufacture high-quality products and meet customer expectations. The semiconductor industry is dynamic and advances constantly in the development of chips hence supplier excellence is critical to ensure the success of their supply chains.  

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